Preparing For Summer Travel

Summer is FINALLY here!

Do you have summer vacation plans? Whenever I go on vacation, whether flying or driving, I bring my natural first aid kit. It has proven itself on every trip I have taken.

First, I pack a portable essential oil diffuser to use in my hotel room, or cabin – if you have electricity. I usually start with On Guard or Purify to cleanse the room, then in the evening, use Lavender, Cedarwood or whichever sleepy time formula works for you. Helpful in strange surroundings.

To prevent sickness: On Guard, On Guard beadlets, and On Guard hand sanitizer, Chewable Congaplex (helps prevent, boost and stop colds in its tracks)

For tummy troubles: DigestZen, GI Detox (which contains activated charcoal that helps with sour stomachs)

Topical: CorrectX (replaces Neosporin), Pain Patches and Deep Blue (for aches, pains and uncomfortable beds), Terrashield to keep the bugs away, Lavender and Frankincense (good for just about anything)

I also pack bandaids, alcohol wipes, and well – needles, cause, you know, I am always ready for acupuncture. I keep Peppermint on hand, great for headaches, fever, and motion sickness.

Need supplies for your first aid kit? Ask me, and I can order them for you.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Gardening season is here, at least I hope so. This year I made the investment and purchased a tower garden. I am so excited to get started. I love gardening! It gets me outside, in touch with nature, and I love that I can teach my daughter about flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables.

The tower garden is great if you have a small space to grow veggies, have a black thumb, or like me are trying to outsmart my local chipmunks that ate ALL my crops last season.

What’s even better, is that If I am feeling ambitious, I am hoping to move my garden inside in the winder and still have fresh fruits and vegetables! How awesome is that in Chicago?

Want to find out more? Just email me directly or click on my web site Happy gardening!

ATMAT is back!

What did you do on your Spring Break? For me, I added another tool to my toolbox. I spent the week with some fabulous instructors and colleagues learning Arvigo® Maya Abdominal Therapy. Yep, say that twice or Say, What?!

Arvigo® Therapy is founded on an ancient Maya technique of ABDOMINAL MASSAGE.This technique is performed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into their optimal position, allowing for improved functioning for optimal health and wellness. 

Arvigo® Therapy is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women, as well as many common digestive disorders.

This therapy helps:

  • increase blood flow

  • decrease inflammation 

  • move the lymph system

  • increase our vital energy

This helps with many conditions including:

For Men, Women, & Children: 

Digestive disorders (Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, Constipation, Indigestion, etc.) 
Muscular Tension
Urinary System (incontinence, frequent urinary infections, etc.) 
Varicose Veins
Fertility Enhancement
Post Surgical (scar tissue, recovery, etc.) 


Menstrual Disorders (painful/ irregular periods) 

Pre-Conception through Postpartum 
Discomforts of Pregnancy; Birth Preparation
C-section/hysterectomy surgery recovery
Pelvic Organ Congestion (endometriosis, cysts, fibroids)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Chronic bladder/yeast infections 
Pelvic organ prolapse 

The best part, in the initial treatment, you also learn self-care so that you can participate in your own health and see greater improvement quickly. And this treatment marries with acupuncture quite well. Expect some integration in your next treatment, if applicable, and you will fall in love with it as I have. Make your appointment today!

Taking Care of You this Fall

Blossom Wellness Centre can take care of you from the inside out. Did you know that we also offer Cosmetic acupuncture and cupping as well as waxing and facial services?

We are three different levels of cosmetic acupuncture and cupping:

30 minute facial cupping, 90 minute facial cupping, which includes hot towels, facial stone massage, facial cupping, and a nutritive masque and a 90 minute total facial rejuvenation package that includes, acupuncture, facial cupping, and light therapy. 

Facial cupping increases the blood supply to the face and neck and can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lift sagging skin, reduce edema, and open and drain the sinuses. If being used for cosmetic purposes, this treatment is best performed in a series of 6-10 treatments performed 1-2 times per week; however, you will start to see some improvements in the skin with just one treatment!

Facial cupping is also effective for reducing swelling and pain of the sinus cavities for those affected by allergies. The lifting and suction function of the cups aids in moving congestion and relieving chronic drainage. It relaxes tight muscles of the jaw associated with TMJ and can be very helpful for those who clench or grind their teeth.

Facial cupping also assists in reducing the frequency of headaches, as significant tension in the facial muscles can contribute to frequent and chronic headaches. If performed by a skilled professional, facial cupping has a very low chance of bruising; however, it is not recommended for those who are currently taking blood thinners, as this can increase the likelihood of bruising.

Not only is Darice a talented licensed massage therapist but she is also a licensed esthetician and offers waxing, facials, as well as brow and lash tints. 

Darice has two great specials running for October. 

Enjoy a Ginger Clove Facial for $65. Ginger, vanilla and clove create an aromatic facial which will relax both the body and senses. Prepare for a warming sensation with these spices, and also the expectation the pores refinement and soft/exfoliated skin. All combine to create a perfect anti-aging antioxidant facial. 

Or choose the Spiced Cider facial for $65. Enjoy a beautiful medley of Fall scents of nutmeg, cinnamon, and crisp apple. Apples are high in Vitamin C and contain potent antioxidants as well as naturally-occurring malic acid (AHA) to assist in exfoliation. Nutmeg and cinnamon neutralize free radicals. It will hydrate, firm and improve skin tone and suppleness.

Make your appointment today!