Preparing For Summer Travel

Summer is FINALLY here!

Do you have summer vacation plans? Whenever I go on vacation, whether flying or driving, I bring my natural first aid kit. It has proven itself on every trip I have taken.

First, I pack a portable essential oil diffuser to use in my hotel room, or cabin – if you have electricity. I usually start with On Guard or Purify to cleanse the room, then in the evening, use Lavender, Cedarwood or whichever sleepy time formula works for you. Helpful in strange surroundings.

To prevent sickness: On Guard, On Guard beadlets, and On Guard hand sanitizer, Chewable Congaplex (helps prevent, boost and stop colds in its tracks)

For tummy troubles: DigestZen, GI Detox (which contains activated charcoal that helps with sour stomachs)

Topical: CorrectX (replaces Neosporin), Pain Patches and Deep Blue (for aches, pains and uncomfortable beds), Terrashield to keep the bugs away, Lavender and Frankincense (good for just about anything)

I also pack bandaids, alcohol wipes, and well – needles, cause, you know, I am always ready for acupuncture. I keep Peppermint on hand, great for headaches, fever, and motion sickness.

Need supplies for your first aid kit? Ask me, and I can order them for you.

What Brand of Essential Oils Should I Use?

First off, I LOVE essential oils. After recently teaching a class on essential oils, I realized I had been using them for almost 15 years! In fact, I know it was Clary Sage, Frankincense and Myrrh that I bought so long ago.

Furthermore, I love that so many people are learning about essential oils and how they can incorporate them in their daily lives. I use mine daily in baths, soaps, lotions, and room fresheners.

Essential oil companies are big business nowadays and how do you know which brand does the job? People get downright mad when you mention a competitor or that their brand is better.

I think what's more important is using essential oils responsibly. (That is another topic unto itself.) There is a ton to learn, take it from someone who has been in complementary health for two decades!

Why I Chose Young Living Oils

It's true, not all essential oils are made equal. Remember that bottle of Myrrh I bought 15 years ago? It was about $20. There is no way it was a pure plant essence. Some oils are cut with a carrier oil or are not distilled properly. And depending on what you are using your essential oil for, a higher quality oil is probably the right choice. If you are looking to add lemon to your water for scent when steam cleaning, perhaps a lower quality oil will work. But if you are using lemon for medicinal purposes or disinfecting, a higher grade quality can do the job.

I chose Young Living for several reasons.

I get results. Thieves has been a lifesaver for me for warding off colds, molds, and other gross, icky things – and it smells good too.

I've never had a reaction to these oils. From personal experience, I have seen what other brands can do. That is not to say some people are more sensitive than others, or perhaps have a true allergic reaction to a specific oil.

I like their Seed to Seal approach. Young Living grows it, harvests it, distills it and bottles it to guarantee the purity of every oil.

I think the important things to remember are: the quality of essential oils can vary, plenty of excellent companies making essential oils, and a lifetime of learning on how to safely and effectively use essential oils.

If you want to learn more about essential oils, contact Blossom Wellness Centre.

Great references are:

Essential Oil Desk Reference sential-oils-desk-reference.html